Saturday, February 26, 2011

My house...

This has been another interesting week at the D-household. Reese has been recouping again. This time from a sinus infection.

It seems like anytime she has a cold or in this case flu, it turns into a sinus infection. This past Thursday was filled with two doctors visits and her weekly speech appointment. She was one pooped little baby girl and I was one pooped little mama. Me and Mark had to split doctor duty. Mark took her to one doctor visit (pediatrician)and then I took her to the other (ENT) and then speech.

The pediatrician gave us the sinus infection verdict and the ENT told us her second set of tubes were out. Boo.... That was not what we wanted to hear. We have another appointment in two weeks to see if the fluid behind her eardrums will drain naturally. Both me and Mark have noticed she's having trouble hearing again and I believe this explains why she took a pretty bad tumble last Sunday night after church.

She has really got into ballet lately and twirling around like a ballerina. I thought she just came out of the spin too fast but it was more than likely her inner ear and the fluid. We are already praying she doesnt have to have a third set but if so this one will stay in longer.

Other than all the doctors and sicknesses, Reese has really been growing and she's trying to talk more. In the last week, she has aquired two new sayings. Her first is one she learned from Dora ( her new favorite person ). She loves Swiper and in all the Dora episodes he tries to swipe something from Dora and she has to stop him. Once he's stopped, he says " ah man." Now out of no where Reese tells us.." ah man " all the time. It's super cute.

But the one we love the best is that she seems to have just realized this is her home. While me & Reese were playing in her room the other night, out of the blue she told me..." mama , this my hou " as she was just looking around. I said yes this is your house. She told me over and over ..." "this my hou " and "this my roo" . I cant put into words exactly what I felt but I couldnt stop the tears from pooling in my eyes. I never realized she didnt know this was her house and this was her room. It was something to see her put two and two together and realize she had a home, a room, a family. Now she tells everyone .. " this my hou". And she even told me the other night half asleep when she was up sick and coughing.." my hou mama ".

She's been home almost two years now. I cant help but wonder I failed somewhere making her feel loved and secure. Or maybe did somewhere in that little brain just finally understand and everything click?? I just dont know but I'm truly glad she's finally home.


Lisa said...

Oh Sweetie, you failed at nothing. It takes a long time for them to completely understand they REALLY aren't going back. About a month ago KayLi told me "I all done China." I said "You are?" and she reply "Yeah, I home now." It took everything I had to keep from totally bawling in front of her and just hug her and tell her "Yes, you ARE home now." It's hard for foster children that are adopted to fully grasp this concept (a close friend of mine works with foster kids) but when you throw in the language issues it takes even long. You have NOT failed, you have succeeded in helping her heal on soooo many levels! I'll be praying about the tubes in her ears. KayLi has one left from her second set. I'm thankful that she has grown enough not to require a third. I hope she's feeling better by now. Blessings, Lisa

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