Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Happy Forever Family Day....# 2

I cant believe this time two years ago today in Changshu, China , I had fallen into an exhausted sleep while Mark walked a very scared and tired little baby girl.

She was so quiet and trying to be playful that first day but I know when night time came and she was still alone with two total strangers, it had to be terrifying. Nothing we tried worked to calm her troubled little heart. Jet lag hit me hard and Mark had to walk her until she tired herself out and finally slept.

I still wonder what went on in her little mind that day.... but all I know is mine and Mark's minds were filled with fulfilled dreams and wonder at what God had placed in our hearts three years before that night and in our arms just hours before. Thank you so God for hearing our prayers and answering them beyond our dreams.

Happy Forever Family Day to all the families of our travel group. I will be sending up a special prayer for you all today...

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